E-Commerce: 17-Yr-Old Entrepreneur Makes 6 Figures Monthly; Helped Student Explode From $0–10k In Two Weeks

Jack Dylan Cohen
4 min readJan 19, 2019

Chad Friedman, serial E-Commerce entrepreneur, is a bonafide mitochondria, bursting with promise and poise; “trusting the process” has been an essential component in catalyzing his success with supporting investors and students. — Jack Dylan Cohen

In our dreams, we are able to truly “live our best lives”. There are no limitations like that of planet earth, including gravity, taxes, and vaccines. Imagine a brand new way to brand, market, and convert sales on the niche of your choice. Sounds a bit too utopian to be true, eh?

@ecommerce_chad via Instagram, 2019

False. Shopify is the all-in-one analytics, sales, and research tool you might be lacking to propel your internet business to the next level.

True. Initial investments totaling to approximately $1000 will secure a successful store. However, in some extreme cases, users with a budget of only about $100 have found immense success within only a few months of scaling their niche-store. Who wouldn’t want to be the passive beneficiary of residual income, based on formulaic Facebook ads & proper SEO?

Alright, alright. You clicked on this article for help. You didn’t come to hear some recycled Fortune-500 jargon. You are reading this to learn how to grow your business- LET’S DO IT! With feedback & consultation from young E-Commerce Standout, Chad Friedman, we will uncover (literally) the blueprint from going broke to sustainable via Shopify.

Disclaimer: If you do not make a store/sale/ad after reading this, E-Commerce may not be your entrepreneurial niche. Even if you abhor E-Commerce, I encourage you to delve into this prompt mini-guide that Chad & I have composed to aid your entrepreneurial journey.

Don’t allow the demons of your past to affect the blessings in your future. — Anonymous

Maximizing a Low Budget on Shopify - Scale $0-$10k

What you are viewing to the left of you is a legitimate sales figure after a student plunged into a 1-on-1 mentorship program, privately with Chad.

While these numbers seem abnormal, utilizing advanced scaling techniques such as “Look-Alike Audiences” during Facebook Ad creation is a proven winning strategy for entrepreneurial sharks across the internet.

With respect to the store owner, he has communicated that he wished to remain anonymous for his citation and inclusion in this Medium report.

Observing the exponential trend in data, it should be noted that this Shopify store owner did increase his ad budget by small incremental dollar-values as he began to gain massive traffic toward his click funnel, coordinated tactfully with a niche ad.

You may be wondering: Why are niches so important? After a chat with Chad on the phone, we uncovered exactly why your niche defines your brand.

In a Facebook ad world of clones, brand recognition and notability are perhaps the nuclei of successful marketing. — Jack Dylan Cohen

At some point or another, the clickbait value of HYPERLINKED TEXT is too tempting to pass up. A click doesn’t actually mean anything in the grand scheme of things, right?


As you develop within your E-Commerce plight of entrepreneurialism, you will learn how crucial “click-conversion-rates” are in generating clout…more importantly — sales. A great ad is a harbinger of a focused product launch; the amazing part about Shopify store management is that the templates already exist for you to utilize! Conjunctively, Shopify’s intuitive interface and mobile platform allows for store owners to check, maintain, and adjust store parameters as they see fit. Whether you are editing your daily allowance to spend on advertising or adding a new product, Shopify’s genius-level AI makes it so the App itself does most of the work. Realistically, what separates a 3-figure weekly entrepreneur from a 5-figure weekly entrepreneur is:

  1. Ad Budgeting (how much you are able to spend vs. how much you expect to make)
  2. Ad Quality (memorability and brand recognition upon viewing)
  3. Ad Structure (coherence, catchiness, marketability)

With these parameters in place, there is no reason why anyone should fail in their trials with E-Commerce. Let it be known, though; Chad’s first 5 stores failed. This is quite a normal statistic. The catch, however, is Chad’s relentless persistence to persevere through his failures and treat them as learning experiences; rather than crumbling in self-defeat, Chad Friedman leveled up to seize the opportunity.

If you’d like to follow Chad’s entrepreneurial journey, check out his Instagram and personal website to subscribe to motivational, entrepreneurial content.

Jack Dylan Cohen



Jack Dylan Cohen

I’m Jack Dylan Cohen. I spotlight outstanding efforts from notable individuals involved in social media and entrepreneurial economies.